Setting Up Trade Notifications

How to get notified when your strategy is traded against

After creating a Carbon DeFi strategy, you have successfully made your tokens available to be bought and sold by traders or arbitrageurs.

The Carbon DeFi interface allows you to create notifications that alert you when a trade has occurred against your strategy.

For additional help setting up notifications on your strategy, community support is available in the Carbon DeFi telegram.

Creating a notification


  1. Connect your wallet

  2. View your available strategies

  3. Mouse over the strategy you would like to receive notifications for to show the bell icon OR click the "manage" button and find the "Notification" menu item and click it

  4. Click the "Manage Notification" button to open the Hal notification interface

Hal is a 3rd party service that allows you to create notifications based on blockchain data.

Hal interface

This section will guide you through the steps to take on the Hal interface. For further assistance, please contact the Hal team directly.

  1. Reaching the Hal notification setup page (following the last step on the Carbon interface)

    You will see the Strategy ID pre-populated in the Hal interface. This is the unique identifier of the strategy you viewed in the Carbon interface.

  2. Click the "Action" section to define what you would like to trigger when someone trades against this strategy

    Choose whichever option suites you best. For this example, we will proceed with Email notification, which should open up the following screen

  3. Defining the trigger: Add the email in which you would like the message to be sent to and the subject of the message and click "Continue"

  4. Add notification name and sign up to activate the trigger

  5. Congratulations 🎉🎉 Your trigger is all set and once a trade is using your strategy, a trigger will occur sending a message to your email inbox.

Multiple strategies

The Hal pre-defined trigger can monitor multiple strategies.

Follow this process to create 1 trigger that will fire on multiple strategies.

  1. Follow the steps outlined under Carbon DeFi interface Hal Notification

  2. Once the Hal interface opens up, you would see the Strategy ID. This value would be the one needed when expanding the trigger to fire on multiple strategies as we will need to indicate which Strategy IDs to look for

  3. On this view, there is a "+Add" indication (right above the "Continue" button). When clicked, it allows adding another strategy ID

  4. Find additional Strategy IDs by clicking the bell icon next to each strategy and copying the value to the main trigger you are creating that will fire for all IDs together.

For additional help setting up notifications on your strategy, community support is available in the Carbon DeFi telegram.

Last updated